As the conservative blogger here at Mason Votes, I guess it shouldn’t come a great shock that I may have a couple negative words to say about the Democratic National Convention this week. While I whole-heartedly disagree with President Obama and will not vote for him this November, I will attempt to be as fair as I can in covering their convention this week.
The opening act last night featured really two main figures. San Antonio Mayor Jullian Castro and First Lady Michelle Obama. However, the moment that stood out to me was a part of a DNC intro video that said, “Government is the only thing we all belong to.” That line may seem minuscule but it just strikes me wrong. I thought the government belonged to us. We’re in charge. Apparently this video showed the Democrat position the other way. This sounds eerily familiar to President Obama’s infamous line about how “You didn’t build that” business and that people really should give credit to those who built the roads and bridges (i.e. government). While the baseline work of roads, bridges, trash cleanup, water, electricity, etc. are essential for life in general, there seems to be a disconnect between what really builds America or how jobs come and go.
It’s almost framed as a chicken and egg debate. The business doesn’t get built without roads to travel, but how does the government get the money to build the roads? Taxes paid by income generated from the business. In the end, it’s people’s individual pursuits of happiness that drive them to do anything. Taking a talent and marketing it to make money must happen before taxes can be collected. If you have no willingness to pursue anything, you don’t generate income that’s taxable. That’s why the statement that we belong to the government is just backwards. The government relies on us, and in a way, is us. Without us there is no government. Be sure to watch as this statement, coupled with Obama’s “you didn’t build that” is packaged as an accentuated difference between the candidates and political parties, because it is.
The speeches last night were well done, though. Mayor Castro spoke eloquently about his personal story and regardless of our political differences, I can empathize with his struggle and his achievement. So too can I say that Michelle Obama made an impassioned plea for her husband’s reelection. However, these past years should show that speech making feels and sounds good in the moment, but it’s the actions that speak louder. Regardless of the eloquence of Mrs. Obama, her husband’s actions and positions these past four years are really what the American people will use to judge him. The 23 million Americans who are out of work may like Mrs. Obama’s words, but they should focus on Mr. Obama’s policies as part of the reason they are without a job. Borrowing a bit from Clint Eastwood, the Obamas words are quite eloquent, but the results are just empty.
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