
Meet the 2015 Candidates

The 2015 elections uniquely affect George Mason University and young people throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Below are summaries of each candidate who will appear on the ballot at  Mason’s University Precinct for on-campus student voting. Students registered off-campus can find their sample ballot by visiting www.vote.virginia.gov or by visiting the website for the Fairfax Democrats or Fairfax Republicans.


State Senator, District 34

Sen. Chap Peterson (D): Senator Chap Petersen has represented Northern Virginia in the State Senate since 2007. In 2015, Chap passed several important bills. SB 829, the “Good Samaritan” overdose protection act provides protections from drug or alcohol possession if a person reports a drug overdose and cooperates with authorities. SB 1008 created the “Homeowner Bill of Rights” to help protect property rights. While unsuccessful in 2015, SB 886 would create a 5¢ fee on plastic bags, with the funds used to protect the Chesapeake Bay. Chap intends to reintroduce that measure in 2016.

Delegate, District 37

Del. David Bulova (D): David Bulova is a consensus builder who consistently gets results for Fairfax. He supported bi-partisan transportation funding legislation and has been at the forefront of SOL reform as a member of the Education Committee. As an environmental professional, we can count on David to fight for clean air and water. His advocacy has resulted in new laws to combat human trafficking and to protect personal information from identity theft. David needs your support so he can continue his work to reduce congestion, strengthen our schools, and diversify our economy.

Sang Yi (R): Sang and his parents immigrated to the United States from South Korea in the mid-1980s. Like many immigrants, his family recognized that America rewarded hard work and perseverance with opportunities for a better life. Sang and his wife, Sarah, met as classmates in graduate school, while both working full-time. Although they have very different upbringings, they found each other through government service, and a love for the U.S. Navy. On education, As a Delegate, Sang will work to ensure our students get their fair share from Richmond, because with rising enrollment and the need to keep our talented teachers’ salaries competitive. Sang will work to create tax incentives and capital gains exemptions for investments in businesses. Sang will prioritize relieving congestion so we can spend more time at home with our families than in our cars on the road. Sang will work with local elected officials to ensure our transportation dollars are spent with the most impact and promote legislation incentivizing teleworking.

Chairman, Board of Supervisors

Sharon Bulova (D): Chairman Bulova has served over 20 years on the Board of Supervisors. She counts among her proudest accomplishments: founding the Virginia Railway Express (VRE), establish- ing Faith Communities in Action, adopting a vision and plan for Tysons, extending the Metrorail Silver Line, and adopting the COG’s Region Forward for smarter growth policies. As Chairman, Sharon will continue the careful fiscal stewardship needed to: invest in our world-class school system, keep our streets and neighborhoods safe, improve our transportation network, protect the quality of life valued by our residents, and ensure that taxes are affordable.

Arthur Purves (R): Arthur and his wife, Carol, are 39-year residents of Vienna. They have two children, who graduated from Fairfax County Public Schools in the mid-90s. Arthur, for 19 years, has been president of the Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance. He is treasurer for the Fairfax Committee of 100, was a member of last year’s Fairfax County Meals Tax Task Force, and in 2013 served on the Hunter Mill Citizen Budget Committee. As Taxpayer Alliance president, Arthur has testified at most county and school proposed budget hearings and has attended most school superintendent and county executive budget press briefings.Arthur ran for school board (1995, 2003), as an independent for county chairman (1999), and delegate (2007). He also ran in two primaries in 2001 and 2005. In four of the six races if Arthur had not run the Republicans would have given a free pass to Democrat candidates; there is a benefit in giving the community an opportunity to discuss the issues.

Clerk of Court

John Frey (R): The Clerk of the Circuit Court is a low profile but very important job because it does affect the lives of so many people. Here are just a few of the things John has implemented to make our court better, more efficient, and more accessible to our community: 1) Reduced jury duty from 8 weeks to 1 day or the length of 1 trial. 2) Automated the jury selection process. When John was first elected, numbers were drawn out of a hat. 3) Our jury system has withstood two legal challenges (in murder cases) because of the random selection process and the fact that our jurors reflect the diversity of our community. 4) Automated the Probate system utilizing, electronic documents, electronic signatures, and electronic recording. Our “Virtual Probate System” won a National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials and Clerks (NACRC) Best Practices Award. 5) Created an online marriage application system, so couples can have their marriage license printed out when they arrive at the courthouse, saving them valuable time. This system received a 2013 Governor’s Technology Significant Achievement Award. 6) One of the first in the nation to automate the land records recording system. 7) One of the first in the nation to implement electronic recording of land records.

Bettina Lawton (D): The Clerk of Court touches everyone in Fairfax from marriage licenses to background checks to the appointment of executors. This information should be easily accessible to all, yet it is more difficult to get in Fairfax than it is in 20 other jurisdictions in Virginia. Bettina Lawton is running for Clerk of Court to change that with better technology, flexible hours and satellite locations. After 24 years with the same Clerk, it is time for a change. It is time for progressive ideas and a new way of thinking.

Commonwealth’s Attorney

Ray Morrogh (D): As Commonwealth’s Attorney, Ray Morrogh is the chief prosecutor of crimes committed in Fairfax County. Those serving with Ray in the Office of the Commonwealth’s Attorney are a dedicated and talented group of civic- minded attorneys. Together, they maintain Fairfax County as one of the safest larger jurisdictions in the nation. The aggressive prosecution of crime best achieves this goal. The Office works closely with roughly one dozen law enforcement agencies on initiatives such as gang violence, human trafficking, cyber-crimes, child abuse, fraud against the elderly and safety in our schools.


Stacey Kincaid (D): With over 28 years of dedicated service, Sheriff Stacey Kincaid seeks re-election because she cares about the Sheriff’s Office –its mission and the communities it serves. Her priorities are mental health reform, inmate reentry and staff training. She has been proactive and resourceful in making positive changes: expanding opportunities for inmates to be successful upon release, reducing recidivism, expanding community programs and keeping our community safe. She is committed to leading a professional, fiscally responsible and innovative organization that ensures the safety and security of the people she serves.

Bryan Wolfe (R): Bryan Wolfe is a highly decorated law enforcement professional with nearly 30 years of hard-won law enforcement experience. A twice-honored Fairfax City Police Officer of the Year, he served over twenty years in Fairfax County including almost 10 years of supervisory experience. The officers he led interacted positively and served all citizens equally, regardless of race, gender or disability – including those suffering with a mental health diagnosis.

Supervisor, Braddock District

John Cook (R): John has served on the Board of Supervisors, representing the Braddock District, since March 17, 2009. During that time, John has become a voice for community engagement, fiscal restraint, forward-looking policies, problem-solving, and responsive constituent services. On the Board, John is a recognized voice for fiscal restraint and good governance and known for being able to work with his colleagues to accomplish difficult tasks. As Co-Chair of the Joint Supervisors-School Board Infrastructure Financing Committee, John drafted and passed a plan to add over $20 million per year to school renovation funds, without raising taxes, by giving schools priority at the year-end “carry-over” review. John continues to fight for the Braddock District and will continue to throughout his time in office.

Janet Oleszek (D): Janet Oleszek is an educator who has lived in Braddock District for over 40 years. As a School Board Member, Janet led the fight to institute full-day kindergarten, balance a $2.2 billion budget, and help make Fairfax County Schools the best in the nation. She is a founding member of Fully Fund Fairfax. Janet will take years of experience to the Board of Supervisors to protect our property values, improve the transportation system, introduce local ethics regulations, reverse human services cuts, and work full time as your Braddock District Supervisor

School Board, Braddock District

Megan McLaughlin (Endorsed by Fairfax County Democratic Party): In her four years on the School Board, Megan has worked tirelessly to create positive change in our public schools. Together with her colleagues, the board has accomplished many substantive improvements: a new superintendent, a new Auditor General, increased employee compensation, less punitive student discipline, healthier high school start times, Full-Day Mondays for elementary schools, and a comprehensive Strategic Plan. In addition, Megan is committed to competitive teacher compensation, reducing class sizes, closing the achievement gap, stronger collaboration with the Board of Supervisors, and ensuring effective allocation of budgetary resources

Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Directors

Scott Cameron (Endorsed by Fairfax County Republican Party): Scott is a proven leader and conservationist. He has spent thirty-six years working in environmental policy, twenty years of federal service in natural resources programs at the Department of the Interior, Office of Management and Budget, Congress, US Fish and Wildlife Service. He is Currently Associate Director, Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District and as President, Reduce Risks from Invasive Species Coalition, a charitable organization, director of government relations for a company in the pollution prevention business. He has served as an Environmental policy advisor to the Governor of California, Director of Conservation Policy at the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation on the Board of Advisors for the Wildlife Alliance and as an elected Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration.

George Lamb (Endorsed by Fairfax County Democratic Party): George W. Lamb was elected to the NVSWCD Board in 2011. He is NVSWCD Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Chair of the State IT Committee. George also serves on the Fairfax Environment Quality Advisory Council since 2004 and represented the environmental community on the Tysons Land Use Task Force. He has lived in Fairfax County since 1993.

Jerry Peters (Endorsed by Fairfax County Democratic Party): Fairfax residents increasingly appreciate their public and private natural areas. As an incumbent NVSWCD Director, Certified Virginia Master Naturalist, Fairfax County Tree Commissioner, career environmental scientist, and long-time resident of northern Virginia, Jerry will continue to promote understanding and valuation of healthy land and water habitats across our landscape.

School Board, At Large

Bob Copeland (Endorsed by Fairfax County Republican Party): Bob was born in Charleston, West Virginia and spent the next 18 years in Alderson, West Virginia, a small town of 1000 people along the banks of the Greenbrier River. In 1971, he moved to Northern Virginia and married his college sweetheart, Sharol. His two children attended FCPS from K-12. They both graduated Marshall High School. Our two children graduated Virginia colleges, married, returned to Fairfax County and have blessed him with 7 grandchildren. He hopes to watch them all graduate here, by not being forced out of the county like so many senior citizens, who pay far more in taxes than they receive in benefits. They are necessary for the long-term health of the county. He believes his small business profession where he has dealt with the public for the past 37 years makes him uniquely qualified for a School Board position.

Jeanette Hough (Endorsed by Fairfax County Republican Party): As a proud graduate of Oakton High School in Fairfax County and mother of three children in Fairfax County Public Schools, I understand the importance of a quality education. I believe a key component of a successful school system is to fully engage parents, taxpayers and teachers in all major Board decisions. As a member of the Board, I will ensure the voices and views of our community at large are heard and represented. The challenges are big, but together our resources are greater. Collectively, we can work to ensure FCPS maintain the level of quality that existed when I was a student, both today and for future generations. After all, parents, taxpayers, teachers – and most importantly, our children – are counting on us.

Manar Jean-Jacques (Endorsed by Fairfax County Republican Party): Manar is a first generation American and a Coptic Christian. Her parents emigrated to the U.S. from Egypt 40 years ago with the American dream at heart. Having grown up in Fairfax County, Manar has had the opportunity to witness what it means to be a true melting pot of peoples, cultures, religions and traditions. Manar received a B.A in Sociology from George Mason University in 2007. A first generation American, a mother of two, and a professional in the refugee field, Manar understands the importance of ensuring that all children receive an excellent public education. It is Manar’s belief that a strong public education will give children a chance to thrive in their futures and give back to their communities.

Ryan McElveen (Endorsed by Fairfax County Democratic Party): As a graduate and former employee of FCPS, and the husband and son of current teachers, Ryan understands the intricacies of the system. Over the past four years, the School Board has undertaken many important initiatives to move our community forward, including hiring an excellent superintendent, eliminating early-release Mondays, improving school food, later start times, reforming our student discipline system, and strengthening internal auditing capabilities. Over the next four years, we must continue working to increase teacher pay, lower class sizes, and enhance the equity of programming throughout our system.

Ilryong Moon (Endorsed by Fairfax County Democratic Party): With 16 years of service, including three terms as chairman, Ilryong Moon provides experienced leadership on the School Board. As a first generation American, ESL student, Harvard educated lawyer, and father of two graduates of FCPS, Moon possesses a unique and valuable perspective on public education. He takes pride in the many accomplishments that he has helped our schools to achieve, but additional work still remains: improving efficiency; better supporting our teachers; solving the digital-divide; helping students acquire 21st century skills; reducing class sizes; reducing achievement gaps; and improving our school buildings.

Ted Velkoff (Endorsed by Fairfax County Democratic Party): Ted Velkoff was elected to the School Board in 2011, because he believed every child in Fairfax County deserved the same great education his daughters had received. Since being elected, Ted has championed increased local control and the elimination of state- and federally-mandated tests. Velkoff wants to ensure our children have the skills they need to be successful in college, the 21st century workforce, or wherever their dreams may take them. If re- elected, Ted will work to ensure that every child’s success starts with a first-class public education.

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