Make Your Voice Heard in 2024
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th. Early voting has concluded in Virginia, but you still have time to return mail-in ballots or vote in person on Election Day. Here are more details about each option:
Vote In Person on Election Day
Click here to learn more about casting a ballot on Election Day >

Make sure to look up the address of your local polling place before you leave home on Election Day by visiting
Virginia Voters: Click here to find your local polling place in VA >
Out-of-State Voters: Click here to find your local polling place by selecting your home state >
If you missed the voter registration deadline (Oct. 15th), you can still vote with “same day registration”! Virginia voters can register in-person through Election Day and vote using a provisional ballot. This applies to Mason students voting on- or off-campus. Click here to learn more about same day voter registration and provisional ballots >
Here are a few things to know about voting in person on Election Day:
- Polls are open 6:00am – 7:00pm on Election Day.
- Anyone still in line at 7:00 p.m. will be allowed to vote!
- Your George Mason University Student Photo ID is welcomed on Election Day! Vote using either your physical Mason ID card OR electronic Mason Mobile ID. However, you may not vote using a photo of your physical ID card. Click here to learn more about acceptable forms of ID >
- Accessible voting options are available. Click here to learn more about accessible voting >
- Mason has its own University Precinct for on-campus residents registered at their Fairfax on-campus address only, so you don’t have to leave campus to cast your ballot!
- ONLY students registered at their current Fairfax on-campus address may vote on Election Day at the University Precinct located in Merten Hall (next to Panda Express).
- All other Fairfax County voters must vote at their home precincts. Click here to find your local polling place >
Vote by Mail (Absentee)

Visit to find your local general registrar’s office location. Make sure to follow all instructions included with your mail-in ballot and return before the deadline by mail or at a drop-off location.
Unfortunately, the deadline to request a mail-in ballot has passed (Oct. 25th), but you still have time to return a mail-in ballot you’ve already received.
Click here to learn more about early and absentee voting in VA >
Here are a few things to know about absentee voting by mail:
- You must complete and return your ballot to your local general registrar’s office by 7:00pm on Election Day (Tuesday, November 5th). Click here to find your local voter registration office >
- Carefully review the instructions mailed with your ballot and double-check your ballot before mailing or utilizing the drop-off option.
- You may return your absentee ballot to a drop-off location. For more information on drop off locations in your locality, review the absentee instructions provided in your absentee ballot mailing.
- If you are returning your ballot by mail, it must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by your general registrar’s office by noon on the third day following the election (in the event that that day is a holiday, the deadline is moved to the following business day).
- You may cast an “emergency absentee ballot” if you meet specific criteria set forth by law. Click here to learn more about emergency absentee voting >
- You do not need an excuse to vote absentee in the Commonwealth of Virginia.